2009年7月4日 星期六

收到壹誓證婚的 e-mail 通知...

今日收到An Oath的e-mail...通知我地去 :

1. 簽署擬結婚通知書;
2. 參加婚禮前工作坊。

大日子...真係越黎越近喇!!   不過我仲未識緊張既?!  @@~~

Dear Bridal Customers,

In relation to your wedding ceremony on 18 Oct 2009, you are invited to attend our office between 2009-Jul-18 to 2009-Sep-18:
1. to sign the Notice of Intended Marriage ('the Notice') as required by law; and
2. to attend our pre-ceremony workshop.

To make appointment and enable us to prepare the Notice in advance, please click this link http://www.oath.com.hk/chi/customerLogin.php :
a. to log on your account (with your user id and password registered with us);
b. to complete the online questionnaire and workshop enrolment form; and
c. to submit the completed forms.

Please refer to our latest SMS relating to this subject for your user id and password if you forget the same.

Thank you for choosing our service!

An Oath Celebrant Service


仲有份司儀稿比我地參考添~~~ 好詳細呀!!   服務真係幾好喎!!  只係無得揀律師...其實都唔緊要既...人夾人...就算做晒 research 搵到個別人認為好既...可能各人要求唔同...所以感覺都未必相同...例如紅人林律師...同佢講電話時...就覺得佢好煩 @@"...一輪咀...太搶鏡喇...而且好 hard sell 下...佢唔得閒就推佢老婆出黎...另外之前搵我地母公司o個位 director律師...佢都奇奇怪怪...我地約佢8:30證婚...佢話夜d得唔得!!  開左席先黎註冊咩?!  所以...一切就交比個天安排罷...!!  只要佢個簽名唔太衰就 ok 架喇...唔好簽到我張證書核核突突就得架喇...哈~~~話時話...係咪要練下個簽名先呢?!  究竟簽中文定英文好呢?!  我個簽名有埋個公仔樣架喎...畫唔畫得落去呢?!  哈~

搵邊日上去簽呢?!  簽完仲要上一個鐘頭堂添...覺得好得意...!!  很期待呢~~^^  係咪真係會好似佢地句"士no緊"所講既 "向倒模婚禮說再見"呢?!

